Getting Started

June 26, 2024, 7:00 pm sabbatical blogging

Photo by Scott Blake on Unsplash

What is this blog for? What are you doing? Who are you? What is

This blog is intended, at least to start with, to capture some of the thinking and fruits of a three month sabbatical. I’m the vicar of the wonderful parish of Northaw and Cuffley, and I’ve been granted a three-month long sabbatical. During that time I’m planing to rest, gain some refreshment, and do a little bit of research.

What will I be doing?

I’ve got a long list of things that I’d like to do, but they are all dependent on ensuring that I come back to parish ministry rested and refreshed, and ready for the next 10 year stint. Other than my research, and in no particular order, I’m hoping to manage some, or all, of:

  • Sort my study into something that is usable
  • Pick up some of my musical instrument and try to remember how to play them
  • Brush up on some Greek and Hebrew
  • Read for pleasure
  • Sort my servers into something that uses less electricity
  • Row and run (assuming my aging knees are still happy)

What will I be studying?

The broad area is around community development around a church family - I’m not expecting anything novel to come from this, but perhaps to draw together a few things that have interested me over the last couple of years. The aim is that I can have a better unstanding and that it might be helpful to my church. I’ll be thinking about Third Places, boardgames, Francis Schaeffer, and some other things as well.

I purchased this domain name a few years ago, with the intention of using for occasional posts on things that I found interesting; I never quite found the time. If you squint at the words, you can get them to almost be the Greek word ὀμοίως, an adverb meaning ‘likewise’ or ‘in the same way’. In the Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10), Jesus commands his questioner to ‘Go and do likewise’. That is the goal of the Christian: to do as Jesus does.

Technical things

This blog uses Grav as its CMS, with a modified Bootstrap4 template. As I write, I’ll probably keep adjusting it. I might even add more content!

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